Ju Jitsu


Ju Jutsu, Jiu-Jitsu and Ju-Jitsu are all the same and from the japanese meaning the 'art of softness'. It is a collection Japanese martial art styles including unarmed and armed techniques.

Ju Jutsu was devised by the samurai of feudal Japan as a way of defeating armed and armoured opponents without weapons. The most efficient methods of neutralizing an enemy with armour took the form of pins, joint locks, and throws.

Ju Jitsu

The Ju Jitsu techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker’s energy against him, rather than directly opposing it. There are many variations of Ju Jitsu, with schools utilising all the various forms of grappling techniques to different degrees (throwing, trapping, joint locks, holds, strikes, kicks).

Ju Jitsu is not limited to unarmed from, so also teaches the use of weapons.